The Song of the Goddess

I am she. I am the oracle of the orb, and the patron of the pure.

I am as dual and divided and as two sided as my silver sister.

To the right is the side of reason.

Light is the Lady that helped me as I delivered a sun into this world.

Light is the Lady that made me the huntress I am,

the wind dancer that arches the sliver that remains of her

and watches as my silver-tipped stars shoot across the sky in splendor

to illumine the night.

Light is the Lady that gave me the right to never be tied to the male,

to always run as free as I please

in a time when we did not.

Then there is darkness to the Lady.

For I too carry the powers of that side of her,

the side of Shadows and the sinister.

She that watched in cruel callousness as the daughters of Niobe fell one by one,

even knowing that it was my hand that destroyed the lives of the young.

That side that held my hand out, watched as the fur grew over him,

watched as his voice withered to nothingness,

watched as he ran in terror,

as the dogs ripped their master to shreds and he was helpless to stop them--

a life lost for one glimpse upon me as I bathed.

That side that caused me to banish the ursas to the sky for the sins of the mother.

There is no light to me,

there is no darkness in me.

I am ruler when my brother is gone, and he is ruler when I am not.

The two share the covers over the globe,

and the domain I possess is with the silver lady.

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