welcome to the

Welcome to the Nethieverse: Gaia Online Version. I'm at the side in my outfit that I actually wear on Gaia online. What's Gaia Online? This is. Go sign up if you want. Yes, I know my hair is not blue, but this is a cute picture. =)

This site is my personal web world, and from what I think, I'm rather good at what I do. As you might see, I'm a Pokemon lover, an anime babe, an artist, writer, and a weird sorta person. But that's okay, cause normal blows. So surf around and get a peek into my world!

This is my personal site, by the way--my main site is at Spenecial.com, and from there you can get to any site I've made/run, as well as my links.


So you know what's going on around here. Last Update: October 20, 2005

You are person# to be sucked into the Nethieverse since Feb. 29, 2000.
counter by Boingdragon.com

  E-mail Me



*~*  Sections *~*

Guardians of the Nethieverse
Little guardians I adopted.

The story of a person who is starting to put the pieces together. In other words, my About Me page expanded.

The Nethie Galleries
Art in it's own right. Mine! Mine! My art!

Anime Listing
A record of all the anime I've seen or manga I've read. Fun stuff.

The Grr Pages
Gripes and complaints by the residential nut.

Etc. Ad Nauseum
If it's not anywhere else, it goes here, such as original stories.
Feelings in a Nutshell
Poetry. Pure and simple.

Linking to The Nethieverse

earthbutton.gif qwertybutton.gif sherributton.gif

<a href="http://www.spenecial.com/nethieverse">
<img src="pic name" alt="The Nethieverse" border=0></a>

I hope you know what codes are...

Furry Code:
FFDpw3adw/CWhmps4adrsw A++++ C** D H++ M P+++$ R+ T++ W Z? Sf#/f- RLC/LW/U a21 cn++ d-- e+ f++ h+ iwf+++ j+ p* sf+

Geek Code:
Version: 3.1 GFA/H/L d-- s:+ a- C+++ !U !P L? !E W++ !N o K? w++++ !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ !PGP t 5+ !X R+ tv+ b++++$ DI+ D--- G e++ h--- r++ x+++

Dragon Code (version 2.5):
DC2.Dw/H/Mfd/Mcw"grey wolf" Gf L5.5f50w5t W T+ Phwalt Skk,wf Cfs[bk],fbr--,ebr+,uwh++,wwh++%>ag++% A Fr^ Nn M+++!1xx O H++ $ Fj/o R++ Ac+++ J+ S U I# V+++[Fire/Air] Q++[Telepathy/Telekenesis] Tc+[Webpages/Graphic Design] E++ Df+

Qwerty Dragon Code (version 2.5):
DC2.M"Qwerty" G~ L-- W T Phwflt Sku,wx,bu C~,f~,wbl++_ B- A~ N"Qwerty Pastures" M~ O~ H~ $ Ff/j/o R+++! J++ S+++! I# V++[Qwerty magic/flight/language] Q+[telepathy] Tc+ E+ Df
About Dragon Code - Build your own Dragon Code! - Decoder


This site has been rated for sexuality, violence, cursing, and stuff that just might make you think.
Censorship Panda from
Mab's Land.