*~*~*~ A Makeover
Project: ~*~*~*
So Gothic Kiara Raven
This is a photo grouping of my newest and original Baby Face, So Gothic Kiara Raven.
Kiara before the glamour.
Kiara started out as a So Surprised Suzie whose bangs had been chopped off. I left her as she was at the time because I didn't have a Suzie without chopped bangs. I got one though, and so I decided that Suzie would like a makeover so that she wouldn't have to live with those chopped bangs.
Here she is at the side. Poor thing came to me with the worst bangs; I evened them out but she always complained that she wasn't the prettiest of my girls. And when she started to take interest in my black nail polish and spiderweb art, I knew she was leaning towards the goth style.
I clipped all her hair short as I could and then went over it with a razor. She looked pretty rough then, all bald and naked. I then went over her scalp with a black permanent marker, coating any stray hairs with black so that they would mask. I then used a glue gun and attached curly black hair around her head. I kept a few out as stray pieces and twisted the rest up into a bouffant ponytail.
Next, I got out my black nail polish and carefuly painted her lips black and glossy. I also went over her eyebrows--her hair has to look natural! I was thinking of replacing her eyes with a darker color but the blue actually worked to make the idea of paleness mixked with goth.
She hovered at this point until I got funds again, then I made her dress. It's simple, a long blue dress with medium sleeves made of blue satin fabric. I also made her diaper of the same fabric in the style of Baby Face diapers. I cut out a rectangle of black spiderweb sheer fabric and added velcro to hold it around as a pinafore, then tied another strip to tie it in the back in a big bow. I clipped more blue and Spiderweb to make the bows for her hair and the bows that would go around her kitty (which I picked up at Walmart in the Halloween aisle and snipped off the hat and bow it had). I used a pair of black lace up shoes I owed that looked adorable with the outfit.
And now...the moment you've been waiting for...Kiara Raven!
here she is!
I picked the name Kiara Raven because Kiara means "Little and Dark" and Raven means "Blackbird". Hence, little dark blackbird. With her is her kitty, Pumpkin, named so because of the color of his ears and nose.
One of the things I like best is the antethesis of the sweet little baby girl and yet the darkness, the gothness that she radiates. It's a goth style called Babygoth (or the less polite Kinderwhore), and it works best with baby dolls when they're made gothic. I also like that when I started, she was with a white dog and now she has a black cat. There is also the contrast of the cat's colors with the blue bow. It's very artistic and gorgeous.
She's my first Orignal Baby Face. ^.^ I think she's adorable.