Naomi's Giftmas Surprise
A 2006 Christmas mystery with the AGGiR


Giftmas 2006, I did indeed get a new gang member. And, well, I could do a "lookie at my new doll!" deal, but I'm more, er, creative than that. So I decided to do a whole plotline around it, which I titled Naomi's Giftmas Surprise.

Part 1: The girls decorate for Giftmas...and Naomi can't help but put up a little extra "surprise."

Part 2: Beth has a bonnet, the mantel has a sixth stocking, Marisol has a discussion with Naomi, and Naomi has a secret still.

Part 3: Addy and Beth work on gifts, but Naomi tells them they need to expand without telling exactly why. And Otters meets a certain purple person...

Part 4: Beth Cady has a new dress, and Addy shows off her own. Marisol and Otters are still waiting on their outfits, but Naomi isn't, and she wont say who she's visiting still....

Part 5: Marisol's dress arrives, rounding out the Giftmas outfits. And when she's off getting it, she hears a voice...but who is Naomi hiding?

Part 6: The night before Giftmas, the girls go to bed to anticipate all their gifts. Naomi wakes up to go reassure a certain someone, and get her calmed down for her debut, which is tomorrow.

Part 7: The conclusion is here! It's Giftmas morning...and the new girl is under the tree! Welcome the newest Member of Neth's AG Gang, Felicity Merriman!


Merry Giftmas, Felicity!: Meet Felicity and all she came with!

The Giftmas Spread: What Neth got for Giftmas and what she gave the gang.